
4 min readJan 15, 2021


Today, I am a strong young woman because of the women surrounding me. We may live in a patriarchal society but in my “yard”, it is the matriarchs that run the show and I would like to thank them for always inspiring the best in everyone that has been blessed to know them.

I am a woman and unapologetically so. I did not realize how significant appreciating ones’ identity was until I decided to rediscover myself and appreciate my womanhood. Recently, a little self reflection led me to understand how influential some very amazing women have had in shaping who I am today.

Growing up, I got to see first-hand that a woman is more than a just birth canal, a sexual object or an unpaid labourer in the household. No, a woman is strong first and foremost and there are depths to her strength. A woman’s heart and soul is the embodiment of home. A woman is an amulet that sits close to every heart. A woman’s identity and titles are endless: daughter, sister, mother, wife, aunt, cousin, best friend, but most importantly, a PERSON. A fully formed person who’s capable of thinking and making her own choices. Women should be celebrated every day, every minute.

Today, I am a strong young woman because of the women surrounding me. We may live in a patriarchal society but in my “yard”, it is the matriarchs that run the show and I would like to thank them for always inspiring the best in everyone that has been blessed to know them.

So to my mother first and foremost, you are the hero of my life. An inspiration and a daily reminder that stereotypes and labels are just words. They’ve got nothing on a woman whose intent in shaping her own destiny! I know it has been said that being a mother is a thankless job and there aren’t enough words to thank all mothers for all they do. Yet, I am going to do just that; to say THANK YOU MUMMY. My mother’s sacrifice for my sister and I cannot be quantified. When my mother was just a year older than my current age, she made a bold choice that defined the rest of her life. I applaud her bravery for sticking to the choices she made and not making up excuses. One of her most admirable trait is, in the face of adversity, she always rises like a Phoenix from the ashes. And through it all, she bears everything with a smile on her face and laughter within her soul. I sound so poetic don’t I? Yeah, I have a way with words.

To my aunt, Madam A the philanthropist, who’s given me more than I could’ve ever asked for and who’s shown me that family is the most important thing, I say thank you. She has taught me that a woman’s generosity can literally change a person’s destiny. By being around her, I have learnt to give a helping hand unabashedly because it pays and it nurtures the soul.

To my closest aunt, my paddy! I want to say thank you for showing me the importance of creating your own path when the “normal” path doesn’t really cut it. You’ve taught me about surviving, breathing and taking in each day as it comes because life is precious. You’ve made your rules and you live by it. You’ve stood tall despite the odds, and all with a smile on your face. Love you more than I could ever put into words.

To the grand matriarch who has turned her house into a castle of dreams and a gateway to a better life for many people, I say thank you. May we sing your praises long after your reign. May we always be your pride and joy and may we always do right by your legacy.

To the aunt I never met! A memory of hope, the one who showed my mother how to choose laughter and happiness always in spite of the woes of life. I say, thank you and wherever you are, I promise to always light a candle in your memory and hold on to hope because without hope, life will be quite bleak.

And finally to my grandma, a memory of hard work and resilience. I met you twice and that was it yet, I literally could write a book about you because the tale of your sacrifices will be told for generations to come. I say thank you and may you find peace in knowing that as long as I am alive and well, I shall keep your memory alive.

I am on a path to self-discovery and knowing why I am the way I am, will give me peace and probably lead to self-acceptance and self-love. I’m excited for what this year has to offer but at the same time, I am in no rush to witness it. Instead, I want to savour each passing moment and I want to appreciate people along the way. Once again shout-out to my women-tribe. ♡




Written by Fatimah-Binta

A young Nigerian female writer still learning the ins and outs of writing on medium. Enjoy my daily posts though… ♡

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